
Would you like to volunteer?

1st Beacon Hill Scout Group is run by volunteers and we need parents / guardians and the wider community to support our Scouting group. Any help that you or your family can offer Scouting and our Scout Group is welcomed, appreciated and valued.

Help is particularly appreciated with practical skills, outdoor activities, as well as with fundraising, site maintenance and administration.

Why Volunteer?

  • Try new things and gain qualifications (such as First Aid)
  • Use your current skills and gain new ones
  • Keep fit, gardening has proven to be a great way of keeping in shape
  • You can give as much or as little time as you would like
  • Be an active member of the community
  • Meet new people
  • Build confidence and have fun!

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer as either an occasional helper or as a uniformed section leader, please contact us for more information.